How to install the extension Dmaths properly.
Please remember: throughout this installation manual,
"Restart LibreOffice" means to close LibreOffice completely INCLUDING THE QUICKSTARTER
and to start LibreOffice again.
It is advisable to check that, after closing LibreOffice, there is NO process running with the name "soffice":
Under Windows, use Ctrl Alt Del, select Task manager, inspect Processes or Details
(and terminate any soffice-processes),
Under Linux get a terminal window, type ps ax | grep soffice
(and, if necessary, type killall soffice).
1. |
Make sure you use the most up-to-date version of LibreOffice from
Go to the download page of Dmaths
and click the link DmathsAddon.oxt version...
If you have the choice, choose "Save the file to..." and select a location, e.g. your desktop.
2. |
If under Windows OS, double-click the icon of the downloaded file DmathsAddon.oxt.
The extension manager of LibreOffice should open and offer to install the Extension Dmaths.
Confirm "OK".
Scroll down through the Licence Conditions and confirm by clicking the "Accept" button.
Wait until you see that Dmaths is listed. Read the instructions there! Close the extension manager.
Now, restart LibreOffice (see first hint above!!! - close all including the quick starter).
3. |
Open LibreOffice - Writer.
You will see a new menu "Dmaths" and several new tool bars.
Go to the Dmaths menu, click "About Dmaths..." (last entry).
There will be a progress bar saying that the installation is continued.
Wait until you see the message box telling you to restart LibreOffice.
Do it - and remember the first hint above!!! - close all soffice processes including the quick starter!
4. |
Now Dmaths should be installed properly.
A good indicator of this is, that if you go to the Dmaths menu in
Writer, click "About Dmaths..." (last entry),
you get (without delay by anything in progress) the dialog showing the
Dmaths.org colorful logo, version information, "Remerciments á..." and 3 command buttons.
5. |
If you feel that Dmaths is NOT installed properly,
very likely you did not follow the correct restart-process both times, i.e. to close all soffice processes including the quick starter!
But now you should NOT try to just repeat the installation.
Go to the LibreOffice menu Tools, open the Extension Manager and Remove the Dmaths Addon.
Close the Extension Manager and restart LibreOffice (see hint above!!!).
Go to the LibreOffice menu Tools, click Macros - Organize Macros - LibreOfficeBasic...
Click Organizer... and under "Standard" delete the module DmOptions.
Restart LibreOffice (see hint above!!!).
Install Dmaths again, carefully.
;-) |
Be aware that YOU are the beta-tester of this installation manual in english.
Please tell me immediately if anything is wrong or misunderstandable!
Responsible for the content, but without any warranty: Gisbert Friege, Solingen. Feel free to contact me per email:  .